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Chapter 1  General regulations
Chapter 2  The prinicples and objectives of the education system 
Chapter 3  Composition of non-tertiary education
Chapter 4  Compulsory education and free education
Chapter 5  Curriculums and teaching
Chapter 6  Educational support
Chapter 7  Education institutions and school system
Chapter 8  Human resources
Chapter 9  Material resources
Chapter 10  Education funds
Chapter 11  Implementation and evaluation of the education system
Chapter 12  Final and transitional stipulations



Chapter 2 The principles and objectives of the education system

Article 3 Basic principles

1. Regardless of nationality, descent, race, gender, age, language, religion, political or ideological convictions, educational level, economic situation or social condition, all men have the right to education in accordance with the law.

2. Public and private entities provide conditions for the integral development of students.

3. The education system abides by the principles of flexibility and diversity, responds to the various social, cultural and economic requirements of the Macao Special Administrative Region, so as to promote the harmonious coexistence and integration of the different communities.

4. The government provides conditions to enable students to have equal opportunities in the aspects of access to education and successful learning.

5. Abiding by the principle of life-long learning, the public and private entities develop continuing education to enable the Macao SAR to be a society of competitiveness that strives constantly for self-improvement.

6. In the aspects of receiving and conducting education, the government respects and assures the freedom of teaching and learning, particularly in:
(1) Safeguarding the right of establishment of education institutions in accordance with the law;
(2) The content of education should not be standardised by any principles of philosophy, esthetics, politics, ideology or religious belief.

7. The government endeavours to cultivate the various talents with the ability to face the world and the future, to meet the challenges and opportunities brought by the crescent globalisation.

Article 4 General objectives

The related entities endeavour to foster and promote students’ character of patriotism and loving Macao, good virtue and abiding by law and discipline; to enable them to be persons of aspiration and culture, as well as to possess the knowledge and competence that meet the requirements of the era; to develop a healthy lifestyle and fine physique, particularly:
(1) To cultivate their responsibility to the nation and Macao, to enable them to make adequate use of civil rights and to fulfill the civil obligations actively; to nurture their good values of morals and democratic accomplishments, so as to enable them to respect and to communicate with others frankly, to get along harmoniously with others and zealously care about social affairs;
(2) To enable them taking Chinese culture as the core, to understand and respect the cultural characteristics of Macao, including the coexistence of diverse culture of history, geography, economy etc. and to foster their world view;
(3) To comprehensively enhance the scientific and humanistic accomplishments, to enable them to possess the spirit of innovation, critical awareness, concept of sustainable development and practical ability; to nurture the attitude and capability of life-long learning;
(4) To cultivate the good physiological and psychological qualities, to promote the development of personality, to establish the correct values;
(5) To nurture good esthetic taste and capacity, as well as the accomplishments of harmonious coexistence with the nature.